Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Motion in Graphs

Last week, we did a lab on distance/time graphs and velocity/time graphs. Here are the 6 graphs we made:

In this Distance/Time graph, the motion is first not moving at 1 m away from the detector. Then walking away from the detector at a constant speed. Next walk towards the detector at a constant speed. Finally, stop moving for the last couple of seconds.

In this Distance/Time graph, The motion is walking towards the detector at a constant speed. Then one stops for a few seconds. Next, walk towards the detector again in a faster constant speed. Then stop for a few seconds. Finally, Walk away from the detector in a constant speed.

In this Distance/Time graph, The motion is walking away from the detector at a constant speed. Then stop moving for a few seconds. Finally, walk away from the detector at a faster constant speed.

In this Velocity/Time graph, The motion is walking away from the detector at a slow speed, but then quickly pick up speed. Then, continuing walking at a constant speed. Next, start walking in towards the detector at a constant speed. Then keep that speed for a few seconds. Finally, stop moving.

In this Velocity/Time graph, the motion is not moving for the first few seconds. Next, start walking away from the detector at a constant speed. Then stop moving again for a few seconds. Finally walk towards the detector at a constant speed.

In this Velocity/Time graph, The motion is to be already moving at a constant speed going away from the detector once it starts recording. Then one will change directions and start moving back toward the detector at a constant speed. Finally one will stop moving all together.

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